[Etalon] Carat Williams

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RĂ©ponse de iroisebleue sur le sujet [Etalon] Carat Williams

UaUka1 Ă©crit: QUOI?

RIP :coeur: :cry:

Goetmals Wood died, but not Carat.
I like Carat. No matter with Sancho
Question of choices not only dealing with genetics.
Carat's model is really interesting
In m'y own humble opinion.
I had a Mare with no thin tissues, so inknew which stallions i had to look for : were they really transmitting what i was looking for ? I checked.
We Lost old Goetmals, that is nature RIP
Now if we are Keen on the male Line, we have to screen carefully. Nice game
Merci pour ce message de la part de : UaUka1, Nico_NT
DerniĂšre Ă©dition: 18 Jui 2023 18:46 par iroisebleue.
18 Jui 2023 18:46 #11

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