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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Science et élevage


about T.E.A.M. Génétique trot
- is not a bad idea , ........ at present i am trying to make more AA horses like Falling Stars when she enters in haras , according to the trainer , who i have rented Redemption Song also , she has more speed than the mother

So i am willing to take the best of all worlds
Merci pour ce message de la part de : Alberto
02 Déc 2020 20:42 #171

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Réponse de vieborg sur le sujet Science et élevage

Tu n’as jamais pensée à mettre Uhlan du Val sur Redemption ?
02 Déc 2020 20:58 #172

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Science et élevage

vieborg écrit: Tu n’as jamais pensée à mettre Uhlan du Val sur Redemption ?

but you know his problems

But after VP
I can't play around with R Song , means going to small haras - where none of these etalons and their owners don't have the money or the carnet adresse to buy that horse if he or she is beautiful on the ring of Arqana
- i must tell you what i do i get estimated every horse from my courtiers of the products of RSong
- so i know how much is worth my K & my L & M
- when i will start selling again , i would wish a rich owner who works with the elite of Vincennes
- on this debate of one place of Hollywood Night in a Groupe , i comes back straight to me , and adds more value to my souche , and me as a seller
02 Déc 2020 22:22 #173

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Réponse de vieborg sur le sujet Science et élevage

Les problèmes de saillies d'Uhlan sont derrière lui depuis qu'il fait la monte naturelle ;)
02 Déc 2020 22:43 #174

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Science et élevage

No thanks :coeur: :coeur: :nonnonnon: :nonnon:

> am lucky since Ready Cash is here
the same time i made Redemption song

> look at this pedigree
they are about 40% family that's why i go to RC

On the other site that was years back i brought out a study of all the mares in the generation of the " E" - who made sires
in accélération generations , and classed them in maths i class them in other with points ( i don't do anymore of these studies anymore) ( it kills my energy)

1- Mare of Offshore/T.bello
2- Mare of VP
3-Mare of Quaro /Kinder
4- Mare of Sam
5- Mare os Utoky

The highest male E - was Elvis because of his mare , not Sancho

- in this debate was the small breeder against the big breeders and big trainers

- and Gunilla d'Atout my rivale because of V.W was behind me in this ratings

- so let me explain me this - Redemption Song isn't higher than her mother - she is older genetic wise that her mother , while Falling Stars score just 2 points more than her mother RS

-With Gainsbo - i just equalled Engane du Perthois
-With K- i passed Gainsbo & Engane
-With L & M , .... i passed Gainsbo & Rs & FS & Engane

- now put that on graphology you will see the courbes

It took 2 generations for RRJet to equal my Engane
ton baby amour Bold Eagle( i like him ) & A.D.Joudes and Quaker Jet , and highest accelerated sires genetic wise in France ..... nearly as much as the USA sires
-but not D.Hanover or Greenshoe
- so is my ex jument Urmila Jaani
- and Moovies Q.Nevele - Bliss Nevele are highly rated ( i told him on the other site)

- i don't don't do these maths anymore it uses me my sanity

and one generation has passed the same EdeNoyer ( Saxo is higher than his son ) - i would NOT use him - his genetic mares" lines are very old , even if i like him he doesn't score higher that all the generation of the "E" i listed above
- why because i prefer to accelerate mares - genetic wise

- i have too much cordes to my arc in these debate

- and when you come up with a word like diversité , in your debates with me
- it took hundreds of years to fix the blood lines of the Galop and S.B , and Darwin's Laws passed in these bloodlines

03 Déc 2020 00:07 #175

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Science et élevage

Bonjour Vi

here's a sexy pedigree for you :) and the name is beautiful :) :)

Awwww Elvis Presley

It's now or never
Come, hold me tight
Kiss me, my darling
Be mine tonight
Tomorrow will be too late
It's now or never
My love won't wait

:coeur: :coeur: :coeur: :coeur: :coeur: :coeur: :coeur: :coeur: :coeur:
Merci pour ce message de la part de : TorontoPat
04 Déc 2020 15:27 #176

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Science et élevage

Merci pour ce message de la part de : iroisebleue, Alberto
04 Déc 2020 15:39 #177

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Réponse de vieborg sur le sujet Science et élevage

Tes liens vers la banque du sang trotteur ne fonctionne pas... Je n'aime pas Eugénito !

Tu dois également comprendre que nous ne sommes pas sur les mêmes projection d'élevage...

Grâce à Redemption et Falling Stars, tu peux tenter des mariages commerciaux et des ententes avec Allaire pour gagner de l'argent aux ventes de sélection.

Pour ma part, Efee ne pourra prétendre à de beaux chiffres de ventes si sa production ne la valorise pas...
Pour Joie, ma Kara Dag est le seule produit sur lequel j'ai mis de l'argent en espérant avoir retour sur investissement. Dorénavant, je lui fais des mariages qui me plaisent, point final !
04 Déc 2020 20:42 #178

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Science et élevage

Vi i like Efee - i told you that , she have wonderful XX

2XX Ker
3 XX ker -> -> UA UKA Fakir 1 Jet
1XX of S Bourb - ( Braila ,<--Fuschia)

1 XX of Rodney - Super Bowl ( this is where i am interested in )

and now you have to go back and there's super XX of Uranie ->Gelinotte -> URA

and all you Belle Poule XX
i invite you to count them and name them to me here , let us all debate

and use the " Method of DOSAGE ' in the pedigree with more RODNEY champion XY lines or XX fillies , we can have RODNEY over Volomite and Scotland

Also using the "method of dosage" you Belle poule XX lines

and advancing the old book of Dr. Cormic

- instead of the simple PV or PS - THAT'S OLD :nonnonnon: :lol: :p

- we reinvent
- PV - to Star's Pride - to N.Pride - to Bonefish etc etc :coeur: :ouai2:
- PS to Rodney to Speedster to Speedy Crown etc etc :ouai2: :coeur:

There is no Carioca II XX in the pedigree ( and i am not happy ) :nonnon: :nonnonnon:
While he's is France's biggest Chef the Race
and in Efee - he is scores the highest in line breeding

so let's get this party started
Dernière édition: 05 Déc 2020 10:14 par UaUka1.
04 Déc 2020 23:43 #179

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Réponse de Alberto sur le sujet Science et élevage

En 2020 53 étalon ont sailli au moin 90 poulinières pour un total de 5.197 juments …

53/412 soit 12,86% pour le 38,15% des poulinières.

L’article devient particulièrement intéressant lorsqu’il analyse la “diversité” …

Ready Cash et ses 17 fils ont “reçu” 1.800 juments et avec les autres étalons descendants par Mickey Viking on arrive a 2.400 poulinières, c'est à dire 17,62%!

Ajoutons à ces données celles de la deuxième lignée la plus représentée (par le “chef” Coktail Jet) et ...
Merci pour ce message de la part de : iroisebleue, UaUka1
06 Déc 2020 00:09 #180

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